Hi I need a website for this webdesign: www.kuffel.net/ct/ct.jpg Here you can find the psd file www.kuffel.net/ct/ct.psd The design is very simple, and when you have better ideas how to design it you're welcome. For this design I need a simple, static html,php,css,ajax website. There are 4 menu points: - Life (on this site, there will be displayed just pictures) - Earth (on this site, there will be displayed just picutes) - C.T. (on this site, there will be displayed some text information about the photographer) - Contact (on this site there will be displayed some contact information) You can fill in some dummy text, I will be able to edit the text later, directly in the html or php file. The Gallery should be like this one: http://flash-gallery.com/photoflow-flash-gallery/ The Gallery should have transparent background and no scroll bar.
Požadovaný dátum odovzdania: 10.08.2010Autor cenovej ponuky | Hodnotenie autora ponuky | Dátum pridania ponuky | Odhadovaný počet dní na vypracovanie | Suma za vypracovanie |
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