Hi, I'm creating the new website: extrawatch.com It's about plugin for Joomla/Wordpress/Drupal etc. and you can view it's demo here: http://www.codegravity.com/demo/joomlawatch/1.2.17/ - I created the basic layout with menu (in attachment) 1. You will send me several samples of your work (photoshop & joomla templates) What I need, if I'll choose you: 1. unique modern web 2.0 designs proposals (I you to create several photoshop designs based on template I attached) - part of that designs are also download buttons (in attachment) 2. I'll choose one design proposal (some things I may ask to adjust) 3. You need to create an animated header based on what the project does (artistic screenshots from the product, etc.., making it catch user's attention) and promote the product, should look cool & professional - it should be NO FLASH, but rather some animated .png or HTML5 fader (in case no HTML5 detected in browser/only first static image will be displayed there) 4. You need to create the custom joomla template named "extrawatch", the template should be as simple as possible according to layout 3-column layout and with clear HTML. You need to deliver your custom CSS and joomla 2.5 template files created from chosen photoshop design for layout itself and menu. It will be possible to install in right away on extrawatch.com as Joomla 2.5 template, so the menu will stay, but will be styled differently Basic terms & conditions you agree to by placing a bid on this project: - You will send me the scanned written and signed agreement (with your company name, contact information, representative) that you will not use any copyrighted material - I reserve a right not to choose ANY design if I don't like it and you will refund me the money/milestone - All bids are final, you agree that you completely understand how it has do be done and will not ask for any additional payments - You agree that I can lower the price by 5% by each day you are after the deadline
Požadovaný datum předání: 11.07.2012Autor cenovej ponuky | Hodnotenie autora ponuky | Dátum pridania ponuky | Odhadovaný počet dní na vypracování | Částka za vypracování |
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